How You Can Stay Safe Amid the COVID-19 Outbreak
In preparation for the social distancing that the Government of Canada has recommended, we’ve put together a list of things you can implement into your daily life in order to stay as healthy as possible.
Utilize Online Grocery Shopping
We know that grabbing groceries and having a stocked fridge and pantry may be your top priority during this time. We suggest utilizing online grocery shopping services. Whether you’re looking to shop directly with your grocery store of choice like Save-on-Foods or Walmart, or you’re using a third-party website or application, this minimizes your contact with others.
Our top online grocery shopping options are BC211’s Seniors Grocery Shopping, Walmart’s Online Shopping Service, and Save-on-Foods’ Online Shopping. In addition to these, many stores like London Drugs offer the option to order your items online and pick up in-store, which also dramatically reduces your interactions with others.
Spend Time Outdoors, When You Can
Though it’s best to socially distance yourself from the general public, that doesn’t mean you should socially isolate yourself completely! Whether you’re taking a quick walk around the block, or reading a book on the grass at your favourite park, you can still enjoy the outdoors.
Stay Connected with Loved Ones Electronically
In times like this, connecting with friends and family is paramount. It can be an easy way to ease any stresses you may have and can often bring you closer to those you love, even if you aren’t in the same room, city, or country as them. We suggest utilizing online communication tools like Skype or FaceTime to chat with those you care about.
These are just a few different ways you can prevent the spread of viruses without completely compromising your day-to-day life. With that being said, it’s always best to review information from Government official so we suggest checking in with what they have to say. You can find helpful information from the Government of Canada here.