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            [post_content] => We’re well underway in our spring construction, so we thought we’d bring you along to our beautiful gated community. In this short video, join us, along with Cliff Armstrong, our Malloway Village Sales Manager as we take a quick tour through the residence. With over 100 individual houses in a variety of construction phases, we’re seeing new residents move in on a regular basis.

We would love to meet those of you who are interested in viewing our Malloway Village Show Homes and are currently operating on an appointment only basis. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, please email us at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or call us at 604-961-5160



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                    [post_content] => We’re well underway in our spring construction, so we thought we’d bring you along to our beautiful gated community. In this short video, join us, along with Cliff Armstrong, our Malloway Village Sales Manager as we take a quick tour through the residence. With over 100 individual houses in a variety of construction phases, we’re seeing new residents move in on a regular basis.

We would love to meet those of you who are interested in viewing our Malloway Village Show Homes and are currently operating on an appointment only basis. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, please email us at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or call us at 604-961-5160



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            [post_content] => We’re well underway in our spring construction, so we thought we’d bring you along to our beautiful gated community. In this short video, join us, along with Cliff Armstrong, our Malloway Village Sales Manager as we take a quick tour through the residence. With over 100 individual houses in a variety of construction phases, we’re seeing new residents move in on a regular basis.

We would love to meet those of you who are interested in viewing our Malloway Village Show Homes and are currently operating on an appointment only basis. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, please email us at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or call us at 604-961-5160



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Is Blog Post


Construction Update at Malloway Village

We’re well underway in our spring construction, so we thought we’d bring you along to our beautiful gated community. In this short video, join us, along with Cliff Armstrong, our Malloway Village Sales Manager as we take a quick tour through the residence. With over 100 individual houses in a variety of construction phases, we’re seeing new residents move in on a regular basis.

We would love to meet those of you who are interested in viewing our Malloway Village Show Homes and are currently operating on an appointment only basis. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with us, please email us at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or call us at 604-961-5160