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            [post_content] => Thinking of moving into a new home and community created with active adult-living in mind? Look no further than Malloway Village, Chilliwack, BC’s newest gated retirement community.

Whether you’re looking to downsize from your current family home or to move into a shiny and new space, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of distinguished rancher-style homes boasts 9’ ceilings throughout, open floor plans, high-quality finishings, a cozy custom fireplace, and contemporary swing doors throughout.

With four floor-plans to choose from, you’ll find your ideal home with us. Located in the heart of Chilliwack, BC, you’ll be at the centre of it all, from shopping to dining to walking trails, and entertainment. Our West Coast inspired homes are designed to offer a long-term space for you and your loved ones to come together and celebrate.

Hurry, there are only 6 more homes left to purchase in our current building phase. The best prices are available NOW at Malloway Village! 

Interested in more information? Come visit our fully furnished show homes, open from 1-4pm Saturday to Monday, or by appointment from Tuesday to Thursday. Contact us via email at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or by phone at 604-961-5160.
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                    [post_content] => Thinking of moving into a new home and community created with active adult-living in mind? Look no further than Malloway Village, Chilliwack, BC’s newest gated retirement community.

Whether you’re looking to downsize from your current family home or to move into a shiny and new space, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of distinguished rancher-style homes boasts 9’ ceilings throughout, open floor plans, high-quality finishings, a cozy custom fireplace, and contemporary swing doors throughout.

With four floor-plans to choose from, you’ll find your ideal home with us. Located in the heart of Chilliwack, BC, you’ll be at the centre of it all, from shopping to dining to walking trails, and entertainment. Our West Coast inspired homes are designed to offer a long-term space for you and your loved ones to come together and celebrate.

Hurry, there are only 6 more homes left to purchase in our current building phase. The best prices are available NOW at Malloway Village! 

Interested in more information? Come visit our fully furnished show homes, open from 1-4pm Saturday to Monday, or by appointment from Tuesday to Thursday. Contact us via email at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or by phone at 604-961-5160.
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            [post_content] => Thinking of moving into a new home and community created with active adult-living in mind? Look no further than Malloway Village, Chilliwack, BC’s newest gated retirement community.

Whether you’re looking to downsize from your current family home or to move into a shiny and new space, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of distinguished rancher-style homes boasts 9’ ceilings throughout, open floor plans, high-quality finishings, a cozy custom fireplace, and contemporary swing doors throughout.

With four floor-plans to choose from, you’ll find your ideal home with us. Located in the heart of Chilliwack, BC, you’ll be at the centre of it all, from shopping to dining to walking trails, and entertainment. Our West Coast inspired homes are designed to offer a long-term space for you and your loved ones to come together and celebrate.

Hurry, there are only 6 more homes left to purchase in our current building phase. The best prices are available NOW at Malloway Village! 

Interested in more information? Come visit our fully furnished show homes, open from 1-4pm Saturday to Monday, or by appointment from Tuesday to Thursday. Contact us via email at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or by phone at 604-961-5160.
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Is Blog Post


Buy Now at Malloway Village and SAVE BIG!

Buy Now at Malloway Village and SAVE BIG!

Thinking of moving into a new home and community created with active adult-living in mind? Look no further than Malloway Village, Chilliwack, BC’s newest gated retirement community.

Whether you’re looking to downsize from your current family home or to move into a shiny and new space, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of distinguished rancher-style homes boasts 9’ ceilings throughout, open floor plans, high-quality finishings, a cozy custom fireplace, and contemporary swing doors throughout.

With four floor-plans to choose from, you’ll find your ideal home with us. Located in the heart of Chilliwack, BC, you’ll be at the centre of it all, from shopping to dining to walking trails, and entertainment. Our West Coast inspired homes are designed to offer a long-term space for you and your loved ones to come together and celebrate.

Hurry, there are only 6 more homes left to purchase in our current building phase. The best prices are available NOW at Malloway Village!

Interested in more information? Come visit our fully furnished show homes, open from 1-4pm Saturday to Monday, or by appointment from Tuesday to Thursday. Contact us via email at cliff@mallowayvillage.ca or by phone at 604-961-5160.